3 hours later...
it's snowing, snowing...
I'm still praying for:
1# A visit to an apple farm. There was an apple-picking festival at a nearby farm over this weekend, but since my house-mate and course-mates were busy and I don't have a car so I missed it. Grumbled I did. But since God has been a Santa-Clause to me, I'm sure more opportnites will come by. The good thing is, even though I don't get to pick apples, I get free apples from friends who went.
2# A beautiful sunset. Sunsets are lovely here, you'll see shades of purples and reds (something about how light is reflected or bend over the horizon here...) Now I've caught a couple of lovely sunsets but those view were obstructed. There are some locations where you get to see sunset over the hills, but I need a car to get there...
3# Color papers and photos. I got my picture frames free, I need some color papers to paste my photos on. I hope someone can donate some art papers to me or that I can find some good deals at yard sale... (coz they're expensive here, and there's only one art shop around)
I've become very self-absorbed since classes begin. I used to complain to God that I don't have time for myself. In my previous job, I work with people, on Friday there's cg and on Sunday I'm scheduled for eithr worship or sunday school.
Here, I don't have much time, so it's just me and my books plus church on Sunday and bible study on Thursday. I hardly get to serve. Well, I guess I didn't volunteer to serve too because I am still church-hunting plus I did not think I would have thee time.
But it gets depressing after a while. Being self-absorbed. During bible study on Sat, a friend shared a story from "The Great Divorce" by C.S. Lewis which went *nudge nudge* -> me. This is how the story goes (I may have mixed up some facts) : There was a group of visitors from hell who took a ride to heaven. One man had a snake tied around his neck. It got tighter every day. Now an angel (or was it God?) asked if he wanted to be healed. The only condition was he had to surrender the snake to the angel. He took a while to decide. Every day the snake kept telling him that he needed it or he couldn't live without it. But when he finally surrendered the snake, the angel turned it into a beautiful horse.
And that's how it is with the God of Abraham. He asked us to sacrifice our highest commodity so that He can bless it in return.
For me, it's my time. I've been very kian-siap to spend on it (with Him or for Him), since there's a big pressure to do well so that I can get a scholarship/assistantship to relieve my parents of their financial responsibilities. I feel bad relying on them at this age when every other filial son or daughter are giving back to their parents.
so #4, pray that I'll give God my time. Hopefully I'll get some form of assistantship/scholarship too.
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus" Phil 4: 19.
Pictures taken from Greenwood Furnace
p.s -I got a box of chocolate malt packets for free today. Someone from church gave it to me. Said her kids overdosed themselves and now they're sicked of it. This is just what I need ! Last week I returned a tin of choco powder back to Wal-marts caused they didn't taste anything like the chocolate I've drank before, namely milo. I didn't have time to look for another chocolate drink... God knows what I need ! oh ya this one's by nestle.
a butternut squash
sold for 50c at the farmer's market. you bake it with butter and brown sugar. I'll tell u how it taste after i burn her. My first time!
I wish I can say I have nothing but I'm rich in Christ... sounds like THE quote for missionaries. Well, they probably used it when they're surrounded by babies gained in Christ or treasures stored in heavens. But I don't have any of those....
but those that I have, I'm holding on to it.. perhaps too tight?
the stationaries were given by an SLP fr Virgnia's public school. The gov will fund you if you are willing to work in the public school. The bag of cookies were given away free. A college girl (and friends) with a box of em asked "you want cookies?"... I turned back to ask why but she left.
State college. View taken from Harvest Field, Calvary Baptist church. Can you spot the football traffic (after the game)? People and vehicles start lining up 3 hours before the show. The whole town will be painted in blue and white during football weekend.
Finally I can steal a breath ! I've had weekly assignments and quizzes (x2). America's BIG on constant assessment and I took a heavy load this semester.
Last weekend was very eventful back home.
1# Grandma passed away on Friday.
2# My brother's wedding was over the weekend
I feel so treasured :) The roses are as large as my fist. The largest that I've ever seen !
3# Farmer's Market ! My first time going there. :) The market meets every Friday in downtown, south side of my campus. It only occupies half a street (cannot beat our pasar malam). But I get fresh veges and fruits from the local farms (and Amish people too). Walmarts and the hypermarkets don't usually get their supply locally. Btw, apples here are 3x more expensive than apples in M'sia AND meat is cheaper than vegs. A phenomenon which doesn't make sense to me.
Apple cider. Yummy :)
Plums. Got these from the market. A basket of 20+ for USD 3. It looks big here but one plum is the size of a fish ball (M-L).
The berries were taken from the bouquet. I changed the hue to give it a Fall feel. The weather is getting colder now to make way for Fall. There are lots of plants with berries here.
I cooked my first curry dish today! I made this for the M'sia (chinese) potluck dinner. Not alot of us in Penn State.
I flew the artic way... a stretch of mountain ranges. Miles and miles it went. It might have been Siberia?
Mountains with feathey ice tops
Ice Sheets
My flight was catching the sun. The last time i saw night was in S'pore. But the window panels were always down. So that others could sleep. But it's kinda gloomy inside the plane. I couldn't sleep very well. The last panel of windows behind was unshut though cause nobody sits there. It's also a hang-out place for ppl who couldn't zzz or who liked to stare out.
Chinese noodles
Can you believe they serve us instant noodles at 9pm at night? Yeaps, that's united airlines. They switchd it to Chicago's time in the middle of the night, so it was 8am local time. But my tummy still craved for a big meal.
Guess where?
I missed my connecting flight here. Long immigration queue and rule abiding officers. They wouldn't allow me to cut queue even though my flight (to Pittsburgh) was boarding soon. O'hare is a huge airport. It's not that impressive though. Grey was what I saw. I can't tell one end of the airport from another apart. And it was hard to find a phone that could call out of state. Weird hur? Considering that it's an 'international' airport. A kind stranger borrowed her hp to me so that I could inform Dave, my friend's husband, that I would be late. Oh ya, my mobile phone can't be used here. Anyways, by the time I arrived at Jo's house in Ebensburg it was 1.30am. Was supposed to reach her place at 9pm if I had not miss my flight. Oh ya, we were trapped in a terrible jam on the way back too.