Saturday, August 16, 2008

departure and arrival

Some pictures taken on my journey here. The better days ;p

Waiting for my flight to S'pore. It felt like ages. Like I was neither here nor anywhere. I could grab a taxi home if I were to wait any longer. Saying goodbye to my love ones was painful

I like the lights illuminating through the floor. My friend came to greet me. I ended up resting at her place while transiting. That was my first time taking a cab at 330am in the morning. I think my dad was worried-fied. I'd to text him when I reached the airport. I got a reply back. So guess he stayed up for me. ophs.
I was bored waiting at Changi at wee hours in the morning. Next flight was 6+am. Airport security was strict. I saw armed officers. One of them took down my details when i was wondering alone at my empty boarding gate.



I flew the artic way... a stretch of mountain ranges. Miles and miles it went. It might have been Siberia?

Mountains with feathey ice tops

Ice Sheets

My flight was catching the sun. The last time i saw night was in S'pore. But the window panels were always down. So that others could sleep. But it's kinda gloomy inside the plane. I couldn't sleep very well. The last panel of windows behind was unshut though cause nobody sits there. It's also a hang-out place for ppl who couldn't zzz or who liked to stare out.

Chinese noodles

Can you believe they serve us instant noodles at 9pm at night? Yeaps, that's united airlines. They switchd it to Chicago's time in the middle of the night, so it was 8am local time. But my tummy still craved for a big meal.

Guess where?

I missed my connecting flight here. Long immigration queue and rule abiding officers. They wouldn't allow me to cut queue even though my flight (to Pittsburgh) was boarding soon. O'hare is a huge airport. It's not that impressive though. Grey was what I saw. I can't tell one end of the airport from another apart. And it was hard to find a phone that could call out of state. Weird hur? Considering that it's an 'international' airport. A kind stranger borrowed her hp to me so that I could inform Dave, my friend's husband, that I would be late. Oh ya, my mobile phone can't be used here. Anyways, by the time I arrived at Jo's house in Ebensburg it was 1.30am. Was supposed to reach her place at 9pm if I had not miss my flight. Oh ya, we were trapped in a terrible jam on the way back too.

1 comment:

HL said...

Lovely sunrise... the dawn of a new day. :)