3 hours later...
it's snowing, snowing...
And so...
I will not be sleeping tonight. I'm going to throw ice on my housemate and tell my lecturers that I don't have to work on my assignments b'coz it snowed...
"IT's the FIRST DAY OF SNOW !!!"
hello? who's going to stay indoors to study?
I have 2 assignments due tmr... but since this is the first time I am seeing snow, I grabbed my camera and clicked around my neighborhood and into the park...uploaded them on my computer and mailed some to my family...posting it on my blog. So clicked away my working time... ophs.
"...Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."
Isaiah 6:3
okay.. i know this is another sign that it's going to snow in Malaysia for Christmas.
Wah, so fun and beautiful.
Zach: Hey Zach !! thanks for dropping by. How r u? How's CBC preparing for Christmas? Well, u can throw cotton balls. It looks like snow. :)
Cc: ya, very nice. How hv u n fes been?
Wahhh nice photos!!
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