another head-smacking event again...
i "forgot" to register for my industrial training course during the holidays. Ended up having to pay a $300 fine. My only consolation is that i'm allowed to appeal for lower rate...
i think i shall publish a book title 'unforgetable events' of biscuit when i'm old to cover up all the loses from my state of oblivion. (This time the clerk at my dean's office did not find my account amusing though. :) )
two statements by A&T have triggered me to view 'responsibility' in a different angle :
first :
" you might complain about an acquaintance whose malicious gossiping or arguing has become a bother, forgetting that by putting up with such behavior in the past you have been at least partially responsible."*
When we're called to be spicy and shiny (Mat 5: 13), it means being responsible over the position or community where we're placed to polish it up when it's dull, illuminate when it's that our class, workplace or even community would smell distinctly when our presence ( individual or collective, as a church ) is around. Maybe righteous/justice is upholded b'coz we put a stand ? or more abundant joy as a result of our service to others ?
Sad part is, most of the time we take the position of victims being 'choked' by circumstances or people. " too much work(church-work sumore)", "my classmates too boring"... every excuse not to take up responsibility to shine. (as guilty as biscuit)
Jer 29 :4-7 encourages us to embrace life and seek peace& properity in where we're rooted. i shall use this verses as my banner when my new semester starts.**
second :
"It's important to make sure that your language reflects the fact that you're resonsible for your feelings. Instead of saying, "you're making me angry," say "i'm getting angry"... ppl don't make us like/dislike them, and believing that they do denies the responsibility that each of us has for our own emotions. (use the) "I" langguage which offers a responsible way to express your own feelings"***
okay, how about "I" need to be more alert about's happening in campus. "I" feel angry at the huge fine. ra ra...
**George N. Capaque, speaker for one of the morning bible exposition in earc.
***pg 154
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