Friday, April 22, 2005


Amazing : One who has been thru' many heart-aching and mind bogging experiences, yet still remain child-like in faith... " i trusted God and he delivered me. period"

Grace : As undeserving as "what is a place like me doing in a girl like this?" ( Nat's favorite quote. keke ) U can neither explain for nor against it...

Love is... "( choosing to) Switching off my favourite football match while my spouse is talking to me" ~Gary Chapman.* ( how noble! I hardly lift my eyes off the computer screen while mom's talking to me... "uh hur... hurm... hmm...mmmm..." )

fear : False Evidence Appearing Real

Faith : Perpetual unbelief kept quiet, like the snake beneath Michael's foot. ~Browning**

* Author of the 5 love langguages...
** duno who's that. But quoted by Martin Lloyd-Jones in Spiritual Depression.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the 'fear' vocabulary...