Monday, April 18, 2005


aging ( with a small 'a')

sigh*... can't escape that right ? ( i can see a few folds under my eyebrows liao... sobs...)
guess by the time we all reach a quarter of our lifespan, there would be a fair portion of sweet or bitter memories, hopes and despairs accumulated... " Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get" ~Forrest Gump.

where i am now... i feel like i'm sitting in a nest of familarity. Sheltered. Not knowing where to spread my wings. It would be a pity that just a few ounce into life, one has already been wrapped up with life's preplexity... allowing early failures and dissapointments to form a crust around ones' hearts.

I remembered a series in The Wonder Years, where Kevin Arnold narrated about his family... Well, with everyone else seemingly moving to their own path. Big bro ( a little dump dump ) with his gf which was difficult to fit in the family ( she's portrayed as a chubby girl who enjoyed eating chips and sitting in front of the t.v. ), sister's who's about to leave home to further her studies ( she took a subject on sexual politics ) Dad - middle-age, cranky and blaming others about his unfulfilled potentials.

Well, things started to get a little messy when the Arnolds were in dad's high school summer reunion...( bro got dumped by his gf, little Arnnie exposed his father's fault right in front of his high school mates )

Towards the last night while the Arnolds sat as a family at the camp fire, Kevin concluded that" ...i guess we need to forgive ourselves for growing up"

Growing up is not easy... with so much burdens at such a young age, we need to unload them in exchange of His mercy and grace to help us start afresh.

to add fr the ending song played when sis's being sent away to college...
"may God's mercy be upon you...
may you never grow old...

may you grow up in righteousness and truth..."
( not too clear about the exact lyrics, but ya, don't grow old and cranky, like " nah,been there, done that" )

Well, remember Martin Luther's " i have a dream", Edison's light bulb, Elisabeth Elliot's Agape love for the Waodoni at Ecuador that killed her husband, Jesus on His journey to Damascus... ( ppl who believed and kept faith - the "patience" of the saints )

My prayer for the quarter lifers, ( n myself la )
" May u...Endure all things, believe all things, hope all things, bear up under all things, not losing heart nor courage, for Love never fails" ~ I Cor 13 : 7,8 ( adapted fr Kenneth S. Wuest “ the new testament, An Expanded Translation )

to the faint hearted,
" It's not when we would have all we ask for, but when all we ask for we have them not, and only then, that we can truly experience him as our Source. ( El-Shaddai ). When the sea is moonless that the Lord has become my Light." ~ adapted fr Elisabeth Elliot's "Keep a Quiet Heart-Moonless Trust".


Anonymous said...

hello...thanks for the's really encouraging....wah, this time so serious one...heeee...

Anonymous said...

and when will u start blogging again? hmm... maybe the 'tau ge' notes dancing on 5 staffs speak better for "some" ppl...