Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I realized that I've been a prison of my own mind. I'm in the land flowing with milk and honey (okay, with limited supply b'coz of the economic situation), but at least I'm in a place where some of my country man can only taste US in their dreams or imagination, yet I'm missing home.

Flipping through FB pictures of my M'sian friends' travels to the US kinda made me appreciate my presence in the states. I have been focusing on what I hate about the North East, Turkeysylvania in particular, and imprisoned myself within the the walls of hate. The result of this is a whinny mouth that complains about the US and a fugitive mind that can only think of home (m'sia) as the only source of comfort.

Today, I will free myself and love the US instead.

Perhaps my brother is right, perhaps my work or Philly is not what I expect it to be, but there are other things to behold.