Sunday, March 23, 2008


Last Sunday I celebrated Palm Sunday with my Sunday School preschooler's class. Btw, our Sunday School just got a new name. Kids For Christ (KFC). "no..." said the groovier folks. Imagine them growing up associating themselves with chicken? Finger-licking Christ's chickens? :) Anyways, I did of sketch of Jesus riding on a donkey to Jerusalem from Mt Olives. The girls were the crowd waving leaves to welcome Jesus.
The important revelation I received from this lesson was that our King did not come with a robe and chariots, but He came riding on a donkey saddled with mere clothings put on by his disciples. An age old prophecy fulfilled with awe entwine with meekness.

a "hosanna, hosanna"

Easter play, thus- Sats. I got robbed in just 2 weeks before to fill in the background music. Most of the cast & crew have sweated for 2 months to see "the perfect murdered" (title of our play) solved though.
I'm feeling nostalgic about it. Now that it has ended. It felt good to be part of something big. It felt good to see people presenting their best to God. It felt good to be working with one another for a cause, a purpose.
Through this play, I developed a growing appreciation and a sense of pride towards my church, my family. Seeing talents in the house came to bloom. Pat, the director - i'm pretty positive about her becoming a famous movie director. Someday. Suet Beng's scripts... ps Mal's and Suet Beng's voice... there's 'woa' factor that goes beyond the ordinaire. I'm hoping for greater things to come.
Pull open the curtains of March, and there you find me flapping my wings (trying to) on new grounds. I'm learning. Learning how to teach little children who do not know how to learn by themselves. Lessons which come naturally to us are a long journey to some. Learning how to be self-less so that others can be loved. Learning that I can't go around thinking what I would like to think, feeling what I would like to feel or saying what I would like to say.... learning that the decisions we made are not just unto us. Our steps are connected to God, our love ones, others who depended on us, people before and after us... because we matter, because He loves. Our past, our present, our future, our community are weaved together as a piece of story... our story are weaved into a grand scheme...
Life is a journey of lessons arranged in zig-zagged steps. We do not choose them. They come to us. If we do not learn to pick up the steps, we remain stuck or we would be ushered into a different doorway with different steps.
I duno when I become so philosophical. Maybe it's because 'm sad about having to leave soon. Maybe i'm waking up. Maybe it's the changes i'm going through.
Good-day March !
because he lives, there's always hope. Happy Easter ! (: