Sunday, September 28, 2008


State college. View taken from Harvest Field, Calvary Baptist church. Can you spot the football traffic (after the game)? People and vehicles start lining up 3 hours before the show. The whole town will be painted in blue and white during football weekend.

Finally I can steal a breath ! I've had weekly assignments and quizzes (x2). America's BIG on constant assessment and I took a heavy load this semester.

Anyways, some updates...

Last weekend was very eventful back home.

1# Grandma passed away on Friday.

2# My brother's wedding was over the weekend

3# I could only witness these events faraway... sigh. I've been up since 3am studying. Exam week.

But last Saturday was full of surprises
1# I received my first postcard from M'sia! My dearest thought he wrote to the wrong address. I left a note at my mailbox for the postman to look out for it. (postal system is good here. They constantly update their residents' record. The mailman took the trouble to knock at doors to verify mails)
2# A stranger came knocking at my door when I was home alone. I peered through the little hole at my door and saw a man holding a bunch of something. "Flower delivery" he said. It came with a water-filled vase. I thought it was for my house-mate but my name was written on the card instead.

I feel so treasured :) The roses are as large as my fist. The largest that I've ever seen !

3# Farmer's Market ! My first time going there. :) The market meets every Friday in downtown, south side of my campus. It only occupies half a street (cannot beat our pasar malam). But I get fresh veges and fruits from the local farms (and Amish people too). Walmarts and the hypermarkets don't usually get their supply locally. Btw, apples here are 3x more expensive than apples in M'sia AND meat is cheaper than vegs. A phenomenon which doesn't make sense to me.

Apple cider. Yummy :)

Plums. Got these from the market. A basket of 20+ for USD 3. It looks big here but one plum is the size of a fish ball (M-L).

The berries were taken from the bouquet. I changed the hue to give it a Fall feel. The weather is getting colder now to make way for Fall. There are lots of plants with berries here.

I cooked my first curry dish today! I made this for the M'sia (chinese) potluck dinner. Not alot of us in Penn State.