"expect good things fr God"
ggwell, just when i decided to take a lil break fr thinking (more like worrying) about my future, rays of happy things shine thru' my heart.
firstly, my cousin dropped by my house like a gift. She made a pit-stop here fr Oz before returning up north. She brought me tim-tams, honey and sparkles of joy (i miss her simple chatty nature. Ah, she says the sweetest things ! whoever marry her will be a darn lucky chap).
Mummy promised me a dress for CNY. Saw one brought one ! well, dresses are in this season for a good bargain. Am looking for a casual summer one (ahem. another one). Well, looking at dresses makes me happy :) JM says shopping can cure depression.
CNY. well, the ambience and heat seems to invite cny into my heart. Perhaps i have taken cny for granted. After the first leap of joy for flying elsewhere for a holiday subsided... i regret at the thought of not being able to go back alor star. I am starting to miss seeing grandma and aunty.
I'll miss flipping open tins of cookies, buying kuihs and noodles at the morning market, watching chinese blockbusters movies at nite, complaining about the stuffy and hot afternoons, mosquitoes (in abundance, coz of the surrounding padi fields, but they don't cause disease)...
I will miss the morning 'tai chi' that would never fail to wake me up at dawn, lil children popping fire crackers and sudden blasts of fire bombs (opposite grandma's house is a basketball court/playground), I will miss the host of stars that would blinked at me during a clear night.
And i will miss the poh-pias for our cny eve dinner. Or steamboat some times...
sob sob sob... why did i chose to go elsewhere instd? guess i felt that cny wd be the same, since it's the same every other yr. Plus of late i was the only grandchild that returned (the host family wd be in their maternal's grandma's side), so it felt a little lonely at times. but now i am missing it.
Ok, it's a happy title...i be going to jakarta. My trip's half sponsored. Yay? Jst a few days ago my friend told me Jakarta was in drought. I remember praying for rain. now it's flooded. sigh. Well, i can swim ;p
I brought a first-day cover of M'sian's marine life today !!
And today i finished up "Beauty" fr Robin Mckinley. It's a retelling of "Beauty and Beast". It gets tedious with her long descriptions on scenaries and mundane life. The exciting ventures were short. But at least, i had some sense of adventure replanted back. I dreamed of my own adventure up above a roof, that led to some secret pathway which cobsweb served as my ladder. My dreams are usually fear-filled. But this one glazed me with braveness.
g"worry is a fear that we won't get what we want. Only God has the answer, so refuse to live in worry' -JM
gHappy Chinese New Year !!