Wonder how it feels to be thorn between the earthquakes?
part between the very worlds and held u?
kinda tempting to feel all sorry about yourself for not knowing what to do...
Or having so many voices screaming fr all directions...
All u ever wanted to do is to run back home...
to a place safe and secure where things will never change...
but i guess time moves on... however tight we try to hold on to it...
leaving u memories of the old...
and a big wide uncertain space call future...
kinda took me a while to decide to pen this down... guess coz i'm like e disciples wondering why their Master's asleep on the boat leaving them alone to battle the threatening storm.
"Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Put your hope in God.
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Look upon His countenance" ~modified fr Ps 42: 5, 11
sometimes...upon self reflection, all we find is but sadness overshadowing our hearts...
Dr Jones said we are not to be master over by them, but to anchor ourselves in His word ( Hebs 6 : 18-19 )... to focus on the truth( hope)… to believe despite circumstances or what our feelings or minds paints for us.
I recalled watching a child development programme, in which a researcher bounded the babies hand to see how they would respond. All the babies protested ( kinda cute sight... but i guess nobody likes to be trapped hur? ). However, they ceased crying when they were shown videos of baby pictures.
God's word goes beyond distracting us fr our sorrows, but to sail ur thru life. A path to be walked on itself.
Remember Peter as he took first bold stride out of the boat into the water ? He faltered when he saw the storms…( Jones pointed out that the storms was already there even b4 he got out of the boat)
Fear is Self-protection... It asks " what would happen to "me" if "i". It paralyzes us from shooting our branches…
However God has given us a spirit of power, love and sound mind ( 2 Tim 1: 7) , a spirit of sonship, by him we call ‘abba father'...( roms 8: 15)
When we gaze upon the love of God, and loving him, we would forget ourselves…
"See, i have engraved you on the palms of my hands" Isaiah 49: 16 ( i keep this verse in middle of my study bible )
I Recalled in TL, my teacher Mariah drew a comparison of our mind and God’s --> ours like a tiny little pea while his filled the whole blackboard…
So i guess all we’re asked is to trust? Prov 3 :5
... redemption is a greater miracle than creation, grace flows out of redemption...if only we would realize how much we can't live without it ? As how the Israelite depended upon God's daily provision of manna, so our life's are in need of His miracle each day...
my summary fr Martin Lloyd Jones "Spiritual Depression"
p.s-heya, sorry mr CCDD for the small fonts.. i've to restrict my words to one page.
p.s - for a more positive note, today i went cycling with jin and yik... discovered a small trail fr 19 to shah alam.. we trespassed a new housing estate, spotted a turtle crossing the road...and came home with all mud and sweat...